01 Aug 2017
 | 01 Aug 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ESurf. A revision for further review has not been submitted.

Terrestrial laser scanning for quantifying small-scale vertical movements of the ground surface in Artic permafrost regions

Sabrina Marx, Katharina Anders, Sofia Antonova, Inga Beck, Julia Boike, Philip Marsh, Moritz Langer, and Bernhard Höfle

Abstract. Three-dimensional data acquired by terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) provides an accurate representation of Earth's surface, which is commonly used to detect and quantify topographic changes on a small scale. However, in Arctic permafrost regions the tundra vegetation and the micro-topography have significant effects on the surface representation in the captured dataset. The resulting spatial sampling of the ground is never identical between two TLS surveys. Thus, monitoring of heave and subsidence in the context of permafrost processes are challenging. This study evaluates TLS for quantifying small-scale vertical movements in an area located within the continuous permafrost zone, 50 km north-east of Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada. We propose a novel filter strategy, which accounts for spatial sampling effects and identifies TLS points suitable for multi-temporal deformation analyses. Further important prerequisites must be met, such as accurate co-registration of the TLS datasets. We found that if the ground surface is captured by more than one TLS scan position, plausible subsidence rates (up to mm-scale) can be derived; compared to e.g. standard raster-based DEM difference maps which contain change rates strongly affected by sampling effects.

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Sabrina Marx, Katharina Anders, Sofia Antonova, Inga Beck, Julia Boike, Philip Marsh, Moritz Langer, and Bernhard Höfle
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Sabrina Marx, Katharina Anders, Sofia Antonova, Inga Beck, Julia Boike, Philip Marsh, Moritz Langer, and Bernhard Höfle
Sabrina Marx, Katharina Anders, Sofia Antonova, Inga Beck, Julia Boike, Philip Marsh, Moritz Langer, and Bernhard Höfle


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Short summary
Global climate warming causes permafrost to warm and thaw, and, consequently, to release the carbon into the atmosphere. Terrestrial laser scanning is evaluated and current methods are extended in the context of monitoring subsidence in Arctic permafrost regions. The extracted information is important to gain a deeper understanding of permafrost-related subsidence processes and provides highly accurate ground-truth data which is necessary for further developing area-wide monitoring methods.