Articles | Volume 10, issue 5
Research article
28 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 28 Oct 2022

Yukon River incision drove organic carbon burial in the Bering Sea during global climate changes at 2.6 and 1 Ma

Adrian M. Bender, Richard O. Lease, Lee B. Corbett, Paul R. Bierman, Marc W. Caffee, James V. Jones, and Doug Kreiner

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Ager, T. A., Matthews, J. V., and Yeend, W.: Pliocene Terrace Gravels of the Ancestral Yukon River Near Circle, Alaska: Palynology, Paleobotany, Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Regional Correlation, Quatern. Int., 22, 185–206,, 1994. 
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Bacon, C. R., Dusel-Bacon, C., Aleinikoff, J. N., and Slack, J. F.: The Late Cretaceous Middle Fork caldera, its resurgent intrusion, and enduring landscape stability in east-central Alaska, Geosphere, 10, 1432–1455,, 2014. 
Balco, G. and Rovey, C. W.: An isochron method for cosmogenic-nuclide dating of buried soils and sediments, Am. J. Sci., 308, 1083–1114,, 2008. 
Bartoli, G., Hönisch, B., and Zeebe, R. E.: Atmospheric CO2 decline during the Pliocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciations, Paleoceanography, 26, 1–14,, 2011. 
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To understand landscape evolution in the mineral resource-rich Yukon River basin (Alaska and Canada), we mapped and cosmogenic isotope-dated river terraces along the Charley River. Results imply widespread Yukon River incision that drove increased Bering Sea sedimentation and carbon sequestration during global climate changes 2.6 and 1 million years ago. Such erosion may have fed back to late Cenozoic climate change by reducing atmospheric carbon as observed in many records worldwide.