Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
11 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 11 Jul 2023

The influence of dune lee side shape on time-averaged velocities and turbulence

Alice Lefebvre and Julia Cisneros

Data sets

Summary of numerical model results investigating the influence of dune lee side shape on time-averaged velocities and turbulence A. Lefebvre and J. Cisneros

Short summary
Underwater dunes are found in various environments with strong hydrodynamics and sandy sediment. Using a numerical model, we investigated how the dune shape influences flow velocity and turbulence. We propose a classification with three types of dunes, depending on their mean lee side angles (low-angle dunes, intermediate-angle dunes and high-angle dunes). We discuss the implications of this classification on the interaction between dune morphology, flow and sediment transport.