Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
02 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 02 Aug 2023

Stream laws in analog tectonic-landscape models

Riccardo Reitano, Romano Clementucci, Ethan M. Conrad, Fabio Corbi, Riccardo Lanari, Claudio Faccenna, and Chiara Bazzucchi

Data sets

Raw data (pictures, DEMs, .mat files) about analogue landscapes evolution R. Reitano, R. Clementucci, E. M. Conrad, F. Corbi, R. Lanari, C. Faccenna, and C. Bazzucchi

Short summary
Tectonics and surface processes work together in shaping orogens through their evolution. Laboratory models are used to overcome some limitations of direct observations since they allow for continuous and detailed analysis of analog orogens. We use a rectangular box filled with an analog material made of granular materials to study how erosional laws apply and how erosion affects the analog landscape as a function of the applied boundary conditions (regional slope and rainfall rate).