Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
09 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 09 Aug 2023

Self-organization of channels and hillslopes in models of fluvial landform evolution and its potential for solving scaling issues

Stefan Hergarten and Alexa Pietrek

Data sets

Self-organization of channels and hillslopes Stefan Hergarten

Model code and software

Self-organization of channels and hillslopes Stefan Hergarten

OpenLEM Stefan Hergarten

Short summary
The transition from hillslopes to channelized flow is typically attributed to a threshold catchment size in landform evolution models. Here we propose an alternative concept directly based on topography. Using this concept, channels and hillslopes self-organize, whereby the catchment size of the channel heads varies over some range. Our numerical results suggest that this concept works better than the established idea of a strict threshold catchment size.