Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
15 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 15 Aug 2023

The probabilistic nature of dune collisions in 2D

Paul A. Jarvis, Clement Narteau, Olivier Rozier, and Nathalie M. Vriend

Data sets

Data repository for Jarvis et al. (2023): The probabilistic nature of dune collisions in 2D P. A. Jarvis, C. Narteau, O. Rozier, and N. M. Vriend

Model code and software

ReSCAL: Real-Space Cellular Automaton Laboratory O. Rozier and C. Narteau

Short summary
Sand dune migration velocity is inversely proportional to dune size. Consequently, smaller, faster dunes can collide with larger, slower downstream dunes. Such collisions can result in either coalescence or ejection, whereby the dunes exchange mass but remain separate. Our numerical simulations show that the outcome depends probabilistically on the dune size ratio, which we describe through an empirical function. Our numerical predictions compare favourably against experimental observations.