Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
05 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 05 Sep 2023

Spatiotemporal bedload transport patterns over two-dimensional bedforms

Kate C. P. Leary, Leah Tevis, and Mark Schmeeckle

Data sets

Replication data for: Spatiotemporal Bedload Transport Patterns Over Two-Dimensional Bedforms Kate Leary

Short summary
Despite the importance of bedforms (e.g., ripples, dunes) to sediment transport, the details of sediment transport on a sub-bedform scale are poorly understood. This paper investigates sediment transport in the downstream and cross-stream directions over bedforms with straight crests. We find that the patterns of bedload transport are highly variable on the sub-bedform scale, which is important for our understanding of the evolution of bedforms with complex crest geometries.