Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
06 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2023

Linear-stability analysis of plane beds under flows with suspended loads

Koji Ohata, Hajime Naruse, and Norihiro Izumi

Data sets

Digitized dataset from ''Compilation of alluvial channel data: laboratory and field'' (Version 1.0) W. R. Brownlie

Linear-stability analysis of plane beds under flows with suspended loads Koji Ohata, Hajime Naruse, and Norihiro Izumi

Model code and software

Linear-stability analysis of plane beds under flows with suspended loads Koji Ohata, Hajime Naruse, and Norihiro Izumi

Short summary
We investigated the influence of sediment transport modes on the formation of bedforms using theoretical analysis. The results of the theoretical analysis were verified with published data of plane beds obtained by fieldwork and laboratory experiments. We found that suspended sand particles can promote the formation of plane beds on a fine-grained bed, which suggests that the presence of suspended particles suppresses the development of dunes under submarine sediment-laden gravity currents.