Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
Research article
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22 Oct 2024
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 22 Oct 2024

Barchan swarm dynamics from a Two-Flank Agent-Based Model

Dominic T. Robson and Andreas C. W. Baas


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Latest update: 27 Oct 2024
The paper presents a new approach for reduced effort dune modelling that will be of interest to a broad audience across the geosciences.
Short summary
Barchans are fast-moving sand dunes which form large populations (swarms) on Earth and Mars. We show that a small range of model parameters produces swarms in which dune size does not vary downwind – something that is observed in nature but not when using earlier models. We also show how the shape of dunes and the spatial patterns they form are affected by wind direction. This work furthers our understanding of the interplay between environmental drivers, dune interactions, and swarm properties.