Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
29 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 29 Apr 2024

Riverine sediment response to deforestation in the Amazon basin

Anuska Narayanan, Sagy Cohen, and John R. Gardner

Data sets

River Sediment Database-Amazon (RivSed-Amazon) (v1.1) John Gardner

CHIRPS: Quasi-global daily satellite and observation based precipitation estimates over land Climate Hazard Group

SWOT River Database (SWORD) (Version v1) Elizabeth H. Altenau et al.

SNAPP Western Amazon Group - Amazon Aquatic Ecosystem Spatial Framework Eduardo Venticinque et al.

Short summary

This study investigates the profound impact of deforestation in the Amazon on sediment dynamics. Novel remote sensing data and statistical analyses reveal significant changes, especially in heavily deforested regions, with rapid effects within a year. In less disturbed areas, a 1- to 2-year lag occurs, influenced by natural sediment shifts and human activities. These findings highlight the need to understand the consequences of human activity for our planet's future.