Articles | Volume 3, issue 2
Research article
25 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 25 Jun 2015

Tectonic and climatic controls on the Chuquibamba landslide (western Andes, southern Peru)

A. Margirier, L. Audin, J. Carcaillet, S. Schwartz, and C. Benavente


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Short summary
This study deals with the control of crustal tectonic activity and Altiplano climatic fluctuations in the evolution of the arid western Andes. Based on geomorphic analysis coupled with terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide investigation, we point out the role of active faulting and wet events in the development of the Chuquibamba landslide (southern Peru). Our main outcome is that the last major debris flow coincides in time with the Ouki wet climatic event identified on the Altiplano.