Articles | Volume 5, issue 4
Research article
28 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 28 Nov 2017

Turning the tide: comparison of tidal flow by periodic sea level fluctuation and by periodic bed tilting in scaled landscape experiments of estuaries

Maarten G. Kleinhans, Maarten van der Vegt, Jasper Leuven, Lisanne Braat, Henk Markies, Arjan Simmelink, Chris Roosendaal, Arjan van Eijk, Paul Vrijbergen, and Marcel van Maarseveen


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 07 Oct 2024
Short summary
Creating estuaries in the laboratory has been challenging. When the ebb and flood currents are driven by ebb and flood in the sea, they are too weak to move sand. Here we describe how the periodic tilting of an entire experimental set-up leads to ebb and flood currents with similar behaviour as in nature and with enough strength to move sand. This means that this novel set-up now allows for the creation of estuarine landscapes in experiments.