Articles | Volume 6, issue 4
Research article
16 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 16 Nov 2018

Towards a standard typology of endogenous landslide seismic sources

Floriane Provost, Jean-Philippe Malet, Clément Hibert, Agnès Helmstetter, Mathilde Radiguet, David Amitrano, Nadège Langet, Eric Larose, Clàudia Abancó, Marcel Hürlimann, Thomas Lebourg, Clara Levy, Gaëlle Le Roy, Patrice Ulrich, Maurin Vidal, and Benjamin Vial


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Short summary
Seismic sources generated by the deformation of unstable slopes are diverse in terms of signal properties and mechanisms. Standardized catalogues of landslide endogenous seismicity can help understanding the physical processes controlling slope dynamics. We propose a generic typology of seismic sources based on the analysis of signals recorded at various instrumented slopes. We demonstrate that the seismic signals present similar features at different sites and discuss their mechanical sources.