Articles | Volume 6, issue 4
Research article
30 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 30 Nov 2018

Measuring subaqueous progradation of the Wax Lake Delta with a model of flow direction divergence

John B. Shaw, Justin D. Estep, Amanda R. Whaling, Kelly M. Sanks, and Douglas A. Edmonds

Data sets

Streakline analysis of the Wax Lake Delta, 1974-2016 J. Shaw and A. Haynes

Short summary
Deltas are important landforms because many people live near them. Specific water flow patterns of spreading and contraction are produced where delta channel flow meets the ocean. Tracers on the water surface allow this pattern to be measured from space. We identify this pattern on a growing river delta in 40 years of images, allowing us to track its growth in a new way. This method has potential to improve monitoring of deltas worldwide.