Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Research article
16 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 16 Apr 2019

Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation scaling on Mars and Earth: same fate for different initial conditions and structural evolutions

Olga Kromuszczyńska, Daniel Mège, Krzysztof Dębniak, Joanna Gurgurewicz, Magdalena Makowska, and Antoine Lucas


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Short summary
Deep-seated gravitational spreading features are spectacular on Mars on the hillslopes of Valles Marineris, both in terms of landform freshness and size. This paper compares their dimensions and those in terrestrial analogue sites in the Tatra Mountains. Gravitational spreading is thought to be inactive in both locations. We find that the height-to-width ratio, ~0.24, is similar in spite of much larger strain in Valles Marineris. We explore the implications.