Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Research article
26 Aug 2019
Research article |  | 26 Aug 2019

Inferring the timing of abandonment of aggraded alluvial surfaces dated with cosmogenic nuclides

Mitch K. D'Arcy, Taylor F. Schildgen, Jens M. Turowski, and Pedro DiNezio

Data sets

Artificial data - Probabilistic age sampling M. D'Arcy, T. F. Schildgen, J. M. Turowski, and P. DiNezio

Short summary
The age of formation of sedimentary deposits is often interpreted to record information about past environmental changes. Here, we show that the timing of abandonment of surfaces also provides valuable information. We derive a new set of equations that can be used to estimate when a sedimentary surface was abandoned based on what is known about its activity from surface dating. Estimates of abandonment age can benefit a variety of geomorphic analyses, which we illustrate with a case study.