Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
Research article
02 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 02 Jun 2020

Seismo-acoustic energy partitioning of a powder snow avalanche

Emanuele Marchetti, Alec van Herwijnen, Marc Christen, Maria Cristina Silengo, and Giulia Barfucci


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Short summary
We present infrasonic and seismic array data of a powder snow avalanche, that was released on 5 February 2016, in the Dischma valley nearby Davos, Switzerland. Combining information derived from both arrays, we show how infrasound and seismic energy are radiated from different sources acting along the path. Moreover, infrasound transmits to the ground and affects the recorded seismic signal. Results highlight the benefits of combined seismo-acoustic array analyses for monitoring and research.