Articles | Volume 9, issue 4
Research article
06 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 06 Aug 2021

Modeling glacial and fluvial landform evolution at large scales using a stream-power approach

Stefan Hergarten

Model code and software

Modeling glacial and fluvial landform evolution at large scales using a stream-power approach: codes and data S. Hergarten

OpenLEM S. Hergarten

Short summary
This paper presents a new approach to modeling glacial erosion on large scales. The formalism is similar to large-scale models of fluvial erosion, so glacial and fluvial processes can be easily combined. The model is simpler and numerically less demanding than established models based on a more detailed description of the ice flux. The numerical implementation almost achieves the efficiency of purely fluvial models, so that simulations over millions of years can be performed on standard PCs.