Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
04 Jan 2023
Research article |  | 04 Jan 2023

Coupling between downstream variations of channel width and local pool–riffle bed topography

Shawn M. Chartrand, A. Mark Jellinek, Marwan A. Hassan, and Carles Ferrer-Boix

Data sets

Experimental data set for coupling between downstream variations of channel width and local pool-riffle bed topography S. Chartrand, M. Jellinek, M. Hassan, and C. Ferrer-Boix

Video supplement

Experimental data set for coupling between downstream variations of channel width and local pool-riffle bed topography S. Chartrand, M. Jellinek, M. Hassan, and C. Ferrer-Boix

Short summary
Rivers with alternating patterns of shallow and deep flows are commonly observed where a river widens and then narrows, respectively. But what if width changes over time? We use a lab experiment to address this question and find it is possible to decrease and then increase river width at a specific location and observe that flows deepen and then shallow consistent with expectations. Our observations can inform river restoration and climate adaptation programs that emphasize river corridors.