Articles | Volume 11, issue 6
Research article
30 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 30 Oct 2023

Spatial and temporal variations in rockwall erosion rates derived from cosmogenic 10Be in medial moraines at five valley glaciers around Pigne d'Arolla, Switzerland

Katharina Wetterauer and Dirk Scherler

Data sets

Medial moraine cosmogenic 10Be data and glacier surface velocities from four Swiss valley glaciers around Pigne d’Arolla Katharina Wetterauer and Dirk Scherler

Short summary
In glacial landscapes, debris supply rates vary spatially and temporally. Rockwall erosion rates derived from cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in medial moraine debris at five Swiss glaciers around Pigne d'Arolla indicate an increase in erosion from the end of the Little Ice Age towards deglaciation but temporally more stable rates over the last ∼100 years. Rockwall erosion rates are higher where rockwalls are steep and north-facing, suggesting a potential slope and temperature control.