Articles | Volume 11, issue 6
Research article
01 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 01 Nov 2023

Marsh-induced backwater: the influence of non-fluvial sedimentation on a delta's channel morphology and kinematics

Kelly M. Sanks, John B. Shaw, Samuel M. Zapp, José Silvestre, Ripul Dutt, and Kyle M. Straub

Data sets

TDWB_19_2_Channels Kelly M. Sanks

TDWB-19-2-Surface-Processes K. Sanks, S. Zapp, J. Silvestre, J. Shaw, K. Straub

Model code and software

TDWB_19_2_Channels Kelly M. Sanks

Short summary
River deltas encompass many depositional environments (like channels and wetlands) that interact to produce coastal environments that change through time. The processes leading to sedimentation in wetlands are often neglected from physical delta models. We show that wetland sedimentation constrains flow to the channels, changes sedimentation rates, and produces channels more akin to field-scale deltas. These results have implications for the management of these vulnerable coastal landscapes.