Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
19 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 19 Sep 2023

Sediment source and sink identification using Sentinel-2 and a small network of turbidimeters on the Vjosa River

Jessica Droujko, Srividya Hariharan Sudha, Gabriel Singer, and Peter Molnar

Data sets

Supporting data to ''Sediment source and pathway identification using Sentinel-2 imagery and (kayak-based) lagrangian river profiles on the Vjosa river'' Jessica Droujko

Model code and software

Supporting data to ''Sediment source and pathway identification using Sentinel-2 imagery and (kayak-based) lagrangian river profiles on the Vjosa river'' Jessica Droujko

Short summary
We combined data from satellite images with data measured from a kayak in order to understand the propagation of fine sediment in the Vjosa River. We were able to find some storm-activated and some permanent sources of sediment. We also estimated how much fine sediment is carried into the Adriatic Sea by the Vjosa River: approximately 2.5 Mt per year, which matches previous findings. With our work, we hope to show the potential of open-access satellite images.