Articles | Volume 12, issue 6
Research article
13 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 13 Dec 2024

Post-fire evolution of ravel transport regimes in the Diablo Range, CA

Hayden L. Jacobson, Danica L. Roth, Gabriel Walton, Margaret Zimmer, and Kerri Johnson

Data sets

Lomax2 Hayden L. Jacobson

Postfire Steepland Ravel (U-078) - Arbor Creek (PS01) UNAVCO

Short summary
Loose grains travel farther after a fire because no vegetation is left to stop them. This matters since loose grains at the base of a slope can turn into a debris flow if it rains. To find if grass growing back after a fire had different impacts on grains of different sizes on slopes of different steepness, we dropped thousands of natural grains and measured how far they went. Large grains went farther 7 months after the fire than 11 months after, and small grain movement didn’t change much.