Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Research article
07 May 2024
Research article |  | 07 May 2024

Cosmogenic nuclide-derived downcutting rates of canyons within large limestone plateaus of southern Massif Central (France) reveal a different regional speleogenesis of karst networks

Oswald Malcles, Philippe Vernant, David Fink, Gaël Cazes, Jean-François Ritz, Toshiyuki Fujioka, and Jean Chéry
Short summary
In the Grands Causses area (Southern France), we study the relationship between the evolution of the river, its incision through time, and the location of the nearby caves. It is commonly accepted that horizontal caves are formed during a period of river stability (no incision) at the elevation of the river. Our original results show that it is wrong in our case study. Therefore, another model of cave formation is proposed that does not rely on direct river control over cave locations.