Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Research article
08 May 2024
Research article |  | 08 May 2024

Time-varying drainage basin development and erosion on volcanic edifices

Daniel O'Hara, Liran Goren, Roos M. J. van Wees, Benjamin Campforts, Pablo Grosse, Pierre Lahitte, Gabor Kereszturi, and Matthieu Kervyn

Model code and software

danjohara/Volc_Packages: Volc_Packages (v3.0.0) Daniel O'Hara

Short summary
Understanding how volcanic edifices develop drainage basins remains unexplored in landscape evolution. Using digital evolution models of volcanoes with varying ages, we quantify the geometries of their edifices and associated drainage basins through time. We find that these metrics correlate with edifice age and are thus useful indicators of a volcano’s history. We then develop a generalized model for how volcano basins develop and compare our results to basin evolution in other settings.