Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Research article
 | Highlight paper
05 Mar 2018
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 05 Mar 2018

U–Th and 10Be constraints on sediment recycling in proglacial settings, Lago Buenos Aires, Patagonia

Antoine Cogez, Frédéric Herman, Éric Pelt, Thierry Reuschlé, Gilles Morvan, Christopher M. Darvill, Kevin P. Norton, Marcus Christl, Lena Märki, and François Chabaux


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Short summary
Sediments produced by glaciers are transported by rivers and wind toward the ocean. During their journey, these sediments are weathered, and we know that this has an impact on climate. One key factor is time, but the duration of this journey is largely unknown. We were able to measure the average time that sediment spends only in the glacial area. This time is 100–200 kyr, which is long and allows a lot of processes to act on sediments during their journey.