Articles | Volume 6, issue 3
Research article
31 Aug 2018
Research article |  | 31 Aug 2018

Late Holocene channel pattern change from laterally stable to meandering – a palaeohydrological reconstruction

Jasper H. J. Candel, Maarten G. Kleinhans, Bart Makaske, Wim Z. Hoek, Cindy Quik, and Jakob Wallinga


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 25 Oct 2024
Short summary
In this study we show how the Overijsselse Vecht river changed from a laterally stable to a meandering river ca. 500 years ago. We developed a methodology to reconstruct the historical discharge and found that the change in river style was caused by an increase in peak discharges. This increase was likely caused by the Little Ice Age and land use changes in the catchment (peat reclamation and exploitation). This study shows how river style changes as a result of discharge regime changes.