Articles | Volume 6, issue 4
Research article
25 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 25 Oct 2018

Bank erosion processes measured with UAV-SfM along complex banklines of a straight mid-sized river reach

Gonzalo Duró, Alessandra Crosato, Maarten G. Kleinhans, and Wim S. J. Uijttewaal

Data sets

Monitoring bank erosion with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) during a low-water event G. Duró, A. Crosato, M. G. Kleinhans, and W. S. J. Uijttewaal

Short summary
The challenge to measure three-dimensional bank irregularities in a mid-sized river reach can be quickly solved in the field flying a drone with ground-control points and later applying structure from motion photogrammetry. We tested a simple approach that achieved sufficient resolution and accuracy to identify the full bank erosion cycle, including undermining. This is an easy-to-use and quickly deployed survey alternative to measure bank erosion processes along extended distances.