Articles | Volume 8, issue 4
Research article
16 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 16 Nov 2020

Complementing scale experiments of rivers and estuaries with numerically modelled hydrodynamics

Steven A. H. Weisscher, Marcio Boechat-Albernaz, Jasper R. F. W. Leuven, Wout M. Van Dijk, Yasuyuki Shimizu, and Maarten G. Kleinhans

Data sets

Data supplementary to "Complementing scale experiments of rivers and estuaries with numerically modelled hydrodynamics" Steven A. H. Weisscher, Marcio Boechat-Albernaz, Jasper R. F. W. Leuven, Wout M. Van Dijk, Yasuyuki Shimizu, and Maarten G. Kleinhans

Model code and software

Nays2D Solver Version 4.2.3302 Y. Shimizu, I. Kimura, T. Iwasaki, M. Hamaki, and T. Inoue

Short summary
Accurate and continuous data collection is challenging in physical scale experiments. A novel means to augment measurements is to numerically model flow over the experimental digital elevation maps. We tested this modelling approach for one tidal and two river scale experiments and showed that modelled water depth and flow velocity closely resemble the measurements. The implication is that conducting experiments requires fewer measurements and results in flow data of better overall quality.