Landslides as geological hotspots of CO2 emission: clues from the instrumented Séchilienne landslide, western European Alps
Data sets
Dataset of Nevers et al. in E-surf Discussions: ``Landslides as geological hotspots of CO$_{2}$ to the atmosphere: clues from the instrumented Séchilienne landslide, Western European Alps'' (doi:10.5194/esurf-2020-42) [Data set]
Model code and software
Numerical code for solving the geochemical mixing model and making diagrams in Nevers et al., to be published in E-surf (``Landslides as geological hotspots of CO$_{2}$ to the atmosphere: clues from the instrumented Séchilienne landslide, Western European Alps'') (Version Corresponds to the published version of the article (final))