Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
04 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2022

Probabilistic estimation of depth-resolved profiles of soil thermal diffusivity from temperature time series

Carlotta Brunetti, John Lamb, Stijn Wielandt, Sebastian Uhlemann, Ian Shirley, Patrick McClure, and Baptiste Dafflon

Data sets

Probabilistic estimation of depth-resolved profiles of soil thermal diffusivity from temperature time series: Supporting Data, Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Arctic Data Collection C. Brunetti, J. Lamb, S. Wielandt, S. Uhlemann, I. Shirley, P. McClure, and B. Dafflon

Soil physical and thermal properties from soil samples at multiple locations at Teller Road Site, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2019, Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Arctic Data Collection B. Dafflon, C. Brunetti, J. Lamb, S. Uhlemann, I. Shirley, P. McClure, and C. Wang

Soil Temperature and Moisture, Teller Road Mile Marker~27, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, beginning 2016, Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments Arctic Data Collection V. Romanovsky, W. Cable, and K. Dolgikh

Short summary
This paper proposes a method to estimate thermal diffusivity and its uncertainty over time, at numerous locations and at an unprecedented vertical spatial resolution from soil temperature time series. We validate and apply this method to synthetic and field case studies. The improved quantification of soil thermal properties is a cornerstone for advancing the indirect estimation of the fraction of soil components needed to predict subsurface storage and fluxes of water, carbon, and nutrients.