Articles | Volume 11, issue 3
Research article
15 May 2023
Research article |  | 15 May 2023

Revealing the relation between spatial patterns of rainfall return levels and landslide density

Slim Mtibaa and Haruka Tsunetaka

Data sets

Basic map information: Digital elevation model (DEM10B) GSI - Geospatial Information Authority of Japan

Model code and software

Rasterio: geospatial raster I/O for Python programmers S. Gillies and others

pydata/xarray: v0.20.1 S. Hoyer, M. Roos, J. Hamman, K. Deepak Cherian, C. Fitzgerald, M. Hauser, K. Fujii, F. Maussion, and E. Al

corteva/rioxarray: 0.9.0 Release A. D. Snow, D. Brochart, R. Bell, T. Chegini, A. Amici, A. Annex, D. Hoese, F. Bunt, J. Hamman, M. Zehner, S. Henderson, S. Miller, T. G. Badger, T. Augspurger, R. Braun, S. Miller, and A. D. Snow

Ouranosinc/xclim: v0.31.0 T. Logan, P. Bourgault, T. J. Smith, D. Huard, S. Biner, M.-P. Labonté, G. Rondeau-Genesse, J. Fyke, A. Aoun, P. Roy, C. Ehbrecht, D. Caron, A. Stephens, C. Whelan, J.-F. Low, and J. Lavoie

matplotlib/matplotlib: REL: v3.5.0 T. A. Caswell, M. Droettboom, A. Lee, E. S. de Andrade, T. Hoffmann, J. Hunter, J. Klymak, E. Firing, D. Stansby, N. Varoquaux, J. H. Nielsen, B. Root, R. May, P. Elson, P., J. K. Seppänen, D. Dale, J.-J. Lee, D. McDougall, A. Straw, P. Hobson, P. Hannah, C. Gohlke, and A. Vincent F., Yu, T. S., Ma, E., Silvester, S., Moad, C., Kniazev, N., Ernest, E., and Ivanov, P.

scikit-posthocs: Pairwise multiple comparison tests in Python: v0.6.7 M. Terpilowski

scipy/scipy: SciPy 1.9.0 R. Gommers, P. Virtanen, E. Burovski, W. Weckesser, T. E. Oliphant, M. Haberland, D. Cournapeau, T. Reddy, alexbrc., P. Peterson, A. Nelson, J. Wilson, endolith., N. Mayorov, I. Polat, S. V. D. Walt, P. Roy, M. Brett, D. Laxalde, E. Larson, J. Millman, Lars., peterbell10., A. Sakai, P. V. Mulbregt, C. J. Carey, E. Jones, R. Kern, Kai., and E. Moore

mmhs013/pyMannKendall: v1.4.2 M. H. Shourov, I. Mahmud, and K. Niemeyer

Short summary
We explore the relation between the spatial patterns of rainfall return levels for various timespans (1–72 h) and landslide density during a rainfall event that triggered widespread landslides. We found that landslide density increases with increased rainfall return levels for the various examined timespans. Accordingly, we conclude that whether rainfall intensities reached exceptional return levels for a wide time range is a key determinant of the spatial distribution of landslides.