Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Research article
30 Jan 2017
Research article |  | 30 Jan 2017

Soilscape evolution of aeolian-dominated hillslopes during the Holocene: investigation of sediment transport mechanisms and climatic–anthropogenic drivers

Sagy Cohen, Tal Svoray, Shai Sela, Greg Hancock, and Garry Willgoose

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Cited articles

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Soil-depleted hillslopes across the Mediterranean and Europe are thought to be the result of human activity in the last 2–5 millennia. We study a site on the margin between Mediterranean and desert climates which was subject to intense wind-borne soil accumulation for tens of thousands of years but is now mostly bare. Using a numerical simulator we investigated the processes that may have led to this landscape and identified the specific signatures of different processes and drivers.