Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Research article
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11 Jul 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 11 Jul 2019

Evaluating post-glacial bedrock erosion and surface exposure duration by coupling in situ optically stimulated luminescence and 10Be dating

Benjamin Lehmann, Frédéric Herman, Pierre G. Valla, Georgina E. King, and Rabiul H. Biswas


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Short summary
Assessing the impact of glaciation at the Earth's surface requires simultaneous quantification of the impact of climate variability on past glacier fluctuations and on bedrock erosion. Here we present a new approach for evaluating post-glacial bedrock surface erosion in mountainous environments by combining two different surface exposure dating methods. This approach can be used to estimate how bedrock erosion rates vary spatially and temporally since glacier retreat in an alpine environment.