Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
Research article
02 Sep 2019
Research article |  | 02 Sep 2019

Seismic and geologic controls on spatial clustering of landslides in three large earthquakes

Claire Rault, Alexandra Robert, Odin Marc, Niels Hovius, and Patrick Meunier

Data sets

Presentation and Analysis of a Worldwide Database of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Inventories ( H. Tanyaş, C. J. Van Westen, K. E. Allstadt, M. A. N. Jessee, T. Görüm, R. W. Jibson, J. W. Godt, H. P. Sato, R. G. Schmitt, O. Marc, and N. Hovius

Short summary
Large earthquakes trigger thousands of landslides in the area of their epicentre. For three earthquake cases, we have determined the position of these landslides along hillslopes. These co-seismic landslides tend to cluster at ridge crests and slope toes. We show that crest clustering is specific to seismic triggering. But although co-seismic landslides locate higher in the landscape than rainfall-induced landslides, geological features strongly modulate their position along the hillslopes.