Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
23 Apr 2021
Research article |  | 23 Apr 2021

Inferring potential landslide damming using slope stability, geomorphic constraints, and run-out analysis: a case study from the NW Himalaya

Vipin Kumar, Imlirenla Jamir, Vikram Gupta, and Rajinder K. Bhasin


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Short summary
Despite a history of landslide damming and flash floods in the NW Himalaya, only a few studies have been performed. This study predicts some potential landslide damming sites in the Satluj valley, NW Himalaya, using field observations, laboratory analyses, geomorphic proxies, and numerical simulations. Five landslides, comprising a total landslide volume of 26.3 ± 6.7 M m3, are found to have the potential to block the river in the case of slope failure.