Articles | Volume 4, issue 2
Research article
08 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 08 Apr 2016

A nondimensional framework for exploring the relief structure of landscapes

Stuart W. D. Grieve, Simon M. Mudd, Martin D. Hurst, and David T. Milodowski

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How does grid-resolution modulate the topographic expression of geomorphic processes?
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Cross-cutting themes: Digital Landscapes: Insights into geomorphological processes from high-resolution topography and quantitative interrogation of topographic data
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Cited articles

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Relationships between the erosion rate and topographic relief of hillslopes have been demonstrated in a number of diverse settings and such patterns can be used to identify the impact of tectonic plate motion on the Earth's surface. Here we present an open-source software tool which can be used to explore these relationships in any landscape where high-resolution topographic data have been collected.