Articles | Volume 9, issue 3
Research article
11 Jun 2021
Research article |  | 11 Jun 2021

Automated quantification of floating wood pieces in rivers from video monitoring: a new software tool and validation

Hossein Ghaffarian, Pierre Lemaire, Zhang Zhi, Laure Tougne, Bruce MacVicar, and Hervé Piégay

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Cited articles

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Ali, I., Mille, J., and Tougne, L.: Wood detection and tracking in videos of rivers, in: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, 646–655, Berlin,, Heidelberg, 2011. 
Ali, I., Mille, J., and Tougne, L.: Space–time spectral model for object detection in dynamic textured background, Pattern Recogn. Lett., 33, 1710–1716,, 2012. 
Ali, I., Mille, J., and Tougne, L.: Adding a rigid motion model to foreground detection: application to moving object detection in rivers, Pattern Anal. Appl., 17, 567–585,, 2014. 
Short summary
Quantifying wood fluxes in rivers would improve our understanding of the key processes in river...