Articles | Volume 6, issue 3
Research article
26 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2018

Glacial dynamics in pre-Alpine narrow valleys during the Last Glacial Maximum inferred by lowland fluvial records (northeast Italy)

Sandro Rossato, Anna Carraro, Giovanni Monegato, Paolo Mozzi, and Fabio Tateo

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Cited articles

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Glaciations may induce significant changes in the catchments of major sedimentary systems over time, even during a single phase. The rugged morphology of Alpine valleys may slow, block or divert glacial tongues. This conclusion arises from reconstructions made regarding the dynamics of the Brenta glacial system (northeast Italy). These reconstructions included sediment analysis techniques on the related alluvial stratigraphic record and mapping of in-valley glacial/glaciofluvial remnants.