Articles | Volume 10, issue 6
Research article
16 Nov 2022
Research article |  | 16 Nov 2022

Comparison of calibration characteristics of different acoustic impact systems for measuring bedload transport in mountain streams

Dieter Rickenmann, Lorenz Ammann, Tobias Nicollier, Stefan Boss, Bruno Fritschi, Gilles Antoniazza, Nicolas Steeb, Zheng Chen, Carlos Wyss, and Alexandre Badoux

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf).
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Toward a general calibration of the Swiss plate geophone system for fractional bedload transport
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Cited articles

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Antoniazza, G., Nicollier, T., Wyss, C. R., Boss, S., and Rickenmann, D.: Bedload transport monitoring in alpine rivers: Variability in Swiss plate geophone response, Sensors, 20, 1–25,, 2020. 
Antoniazza, G., Nicollier, T., Boss, S., Mettra, F., Badoux, A., Schaefli, B., Rickenmann, D., and Lane, S. L.: Hydrological drivers of bedload transport in an Alpine watershed, Water Resour. Res., 58, e2021WR030663,, 2022. 
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Short summary
The Swiss plate geophone system has been installed and tested in more than 20 steep gravel-bed streams. It is an indirect bedload transport measuring system. We compare the performance of this system with three alternative surrogate measuring systems, using calibration measurements with direct bedload samples from three field sites and an outdoor flume facility. Three of the four systems resulted in robust calibration relations between signal impulse counts and transported bedload mass.