Articles | Volume 9, issue 3
Research article
16 Jun 2021
Research article |  | 16 Jun 2021

Rarefied particle motions on hillslopes – Part 3: Entropy

David Jon Furbish, Sarah G. W. Williams, and Tyler H. Doane

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Particle energy partitioning and transverse diffusion during rarefied travel on an experimental hillslope
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Earth Surf. Dynam., 9, 701–721,,, 2021
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Rarefied particle motions on hillslopes – Part 1: Theory
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Earth Surf. Dynam., 9, 539–576,,, 2021
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Rarefied particle motions on hillslopes – Part 2: Analysis
David Jon Furbish, Sarah G. W. Williams, Danica L. Roth, Tyler H. Doane, and Joshua J. Roering
Earth Surf. Dynam., 9, 577–613,,, 2021
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Rarefied particle motions on hillslopes – Part 4: Philosophy
David Jon Furbish and Tyler H. Doane
Earth Surf. Dynam., 9, 629–664,,, 2021
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The transport of sediment mixtures examined with a birth-death model for grain-size fractions
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Preprint withdrawn
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Related subject area

Physical: Geomorphology (including all aspects of fluvial, coastal, aeolian, hillslope and glacial geomorphology)
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Cited articles

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Fathel, S. L., Furbish, D. J., and Schmeeckle, M. W.: Experimental evidence of statstical ensemble behavior in bed load sediment transport, J. Geophys. Res.-Earth, 120, 2298–2317,, 2015. 
Furbish, D. J. and Doane, T. H.: Rarefied particle motions on hillslopes – Part 4: Philosophy, Earth Surf. Dynam., 9, 629–664,, 2021. 
Furbish, D. J. and Schmeeckle, M. W.: A probabilistic derivation of the exponential-like distribution of bed load particle velocities, Water Resour. Res., 49, 1–15,, 2013. 
Short summary
The generalized Pareto distribution of particle travel distances on steep hillslopes, as described in two companion papers (Furbish et al., 2021a, 2021b), is a maximum entropy distribution. This simply represents the most probable way that a great number of particles become distributed into distance states, subject to a fixed total energetic cost due to frictional effects of particle–surface collisions. The maximum entropy criterion is equivalent to a formal application of Occam's razor.